Monday, 3 December 2007

When i was young, life was so wonderful, magi[COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT]

No this blog, isn't about copyright infringement, nor is it about that particular song, it is about feeling nostalgic for being young.

Everybody has a phase where they wonder what it would be like, to go back a few years and be in school again or maybe even just have a bit more hair and a lot less you.

Those people who do ponder this unanswerable question are just being nostalgic, however if you act on it and buy a motorcycle (and associated leathers) you're automatically having a midlife crisis (despite motorbikes being pretty cool); but what if i wanted to go out and buy a motorcycle wear leather trousers all the time and generally make a bit of a nuisance of myself? I'm sure many people wouldn't think much of it what with me being a fair distance away from my 30's. But when you think about it, how many young people do you see actually wearing leathers and riding a motorbike? not many.

Which leads me believe that this is less a crisis and more a Revelation (Yes, with a capital R) these people have decided to have one last go at doing what they really want to do. When you're twenty you just want to look cool and have a good time, but you're an adult now, and you need money to live, so you get a job.

Fast forward 25 years and you've settled down, you've got disposable income, sure the kids want a new puppy, but fuck that, its time to buy a bike. Yes it may seem irresponsible but you are doing something that you've wanted to do for some time, and i think that's right, you're not hurting anyone (yes i know the kids want a puppy, but they wont become crack addicts if they don't get one) and you may look a little silly, but well done, you've achieved something.

I guess the reason for this blog is that, i've recently become one of the 9 'til 5 masses, and i do really enjoy my job, but i know that it is not what i've always wanted to be.
When i was 8 i wanted to be a map maker, i thought you explored jungles in the morning then did some colouring in in the afternoons.
When i was 15 i wanted to be in a band, i played with a couple of bands did a few gigs, had a good time. I eventually realized that i don't have the musical ability to be a professional musician. Since going to uni, i've wanted to be a war photographer, i'm currently working in marketing; this doesn't mean that i've given up on the idea, or that i've settled for second best. It just means my plans have been put on hold until i've got an idea of what to do to get there. Even if i don't become a war photographer i've at least got my midlife Revelation to look forward to.

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