Monday, 3 December 2007

A bit more about blogs.

It occurred to me today when i logged in to have my (almost) daily bitch/ponder that despite only being signed up to this for four days, i've already got 5 drafts sitting waiting to be looked at, re-written and eventually discarded (either onto the internet or the bin).

I feel that this is probably down to my writing style, which to be honest would probably be called 'sprawling' by a particularly kind nun. I admit that i talk utter crap most of the time, this is more than likely due to the fact that i have an idea and then rush to get it down, but amongst the excitement i forget the main point and have already diverted along a tangent, leaving me a little lost and confused (like a child who's lost his mum in a supermarket).

Nearly all of my blogs start with a specific aim, which quickly gets lost in the general flippancy of my comments and my total willingness to suddenly dive down a dead end tangent with no real way to get back to the main argument. I would like to give a clear and precise reason for this, but i don't have one, i'm like that in real life as well, just bimbling around with no real idea of the point.
So yeah .. it's not writers block.
Also i lied to you, this post has nothing to do with blogs.

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