Friday, 30 November 2007

An Introductory Blog

A short bit on why i decided to start a blog, would suffice here, i feel. It is generally agreed that a nice introduction about yourself and why you've decided to push your thoughts onto a wider audience, is an acceptable first blog. Why this should be i have no idea, the premise that someone other than your nearest and dearest would want to read about what you and brad did at the weekend, and how he is "just the sweetest guy" baffles me, and why they would feel the need to spend time (when they're not with you) reading about you. It smacks of unresolved childhood issues.

Obviously i'm being trite and flippant, there are those who use blogs as an open debate, to reach like minded people who want to connect in a way that you never could in 'the real world'. Imagine if you spoke in 'Blog'; just stood and performed soliloquies before striking up an odd 'take it in turns' kind of conversation in which replies are usually planned and referenced. So blogging has it's place, and the fact that now a number of news stories have been broken in blogs gives the world of blogging a solid reason to exist, as an extension of the public forum and not just a pretentious piece of self advertisement.

However there are those that will mis-use this wonderful tool to talk about how much they miss Brad now that they're over Brad (i know, it's sad, they were such a lovely couple) or how Tim is like Brad 2.0 (what a hussy, she moves on faster than a greased up snake).
It's sad that not every blog will be full of thoughtful comments which make your faith in humanity grow with every passing word or that leave you with the feeling that braincells are not a rare commodity, but that is how the world works, the rough with the smooth.